The CTU Vapour-optimised for steam ovens.
• Exceptional protection for steam ovens
• Increased capacity
• Own brand options available
• Improved efficiency
• Prolong equipment life
Our new range of VAPOUR Calcium Treatment Units are specially formulated for use with steam ovens and catering equipment using steam. Untreated, equipment such as Combi Ovens, Pasta Cookers, Bratt Pans or Boilers will suffer from a build up of lime scale which will attack elements, oven chambers and sensors and will lead to expensive break-downs and unwanted kitchen down-time. Our new VAPOUR calcium treatment units have been specially formulated for use with steam ovens and
other kitchen equipment using steam. Protect your steam oven from the harmful effects of scale and other elements. The Vapour CTU has been specially developed to work in harmony with your steam oven for outstanding results.
Available in 10and 18 litre capacities.