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Chemical Free Iron Removal Media 28Litres (1cu ft)

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Chemical Free Iron Removal Media 28Litres (1cu ft)
Chemical Free Iron Removal Media 28Litres (1cu ft)
PART NO. 95425-4
List Price: €278.96

Iron & Manganese Removal

When rain falls, the water has a naturally aggressive, slightly acidic nature. This water then dissolves chalk and / or metallic deposits present in the local rock strata, resulting in ground and borehole water containing elements that would
not normally be present in mains water. Contaminants such as Iron and Manganese can cause problems such as poor tasting (and potentially harmful) drinking water & staining of appliances and equipment.
Iron and Manganese can be removed from water by using media which encourages reaction between the contaminant and oxygen present in the water. This reaction forms an insoluble precipitate which can then be filtered out by the media bed. The media acts “catalytically”, which means that although it triggers the reaction it is not used up as part of the process, thus giving long life from a single filter. 
In order to remove accumulated deposits from the filter bed, the water flow through the filter is reversed (backwashed). Water is run to drain at a high flow rate to seperate the deposits from the filter media. The control valve completes the  backwash cycle automatically at the intervals and times set during the installation.

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